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Nadar Gobind Foundation

After leaving New York, Sant Baba Gobind Ram Ji embarked on a new endeavor by establishing a Spiritual Center called Nadar Gobind Foundation in the serene city of Dublin, CA, USA. This center serves as a haven for followers seeking spiritual discourses, meditation, and the practice of Simran. With Sant Baba Gobind Ram Ji's presence, the center offers a sanctuary for individuals to find peace of mind and nourish their spiritual well-being. The establishment of the Nadar Gobind Foundation adds another dimension to the comprehensive assistance provided by the organization, further expanding its mission of promoting personal growth and self-discovery. The foundation seeks to empower individuals from all walks of life, recognizing that everyone has unique talents and potential. Through various programs and initiatives, the Nadar Gobind Foundation aims to create an inclusive environment where individuals can thrive and reach their full potential. By fostering a sense of community and providing resources and support, the foundation strives to make a positive impact on the lives of those it serves.