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Simran, a term derived from the Sanskrit word "Smaran," encompasses the spiritual practice of chanting aloud or within oneself. This practice involves reciting a mantra given by a spiritual master and meditating on the name of the Almighty. The power of Simran lies in its ability to bring about a deep sense of remembrance and connection to the divine. By chanting the mantra with devotion and focus, individuals can cultivate a profound state of mindfulness and tap into the divine presence within. The practice of Simran, also known as the Mantra or Guru-Naam, holds tremendous significance in spiritual journeys. It serves as a powerful tool for cleansing oneself from the negative karmas of both current and past lives. By engaging in Simran, individuals not only purify their souls but also pave the way towards attaining salvation. The essence of Simran lies in its ability to help one transcend their ego and allow the realization of the ultimate truth to emerge within. Simran, which is the repetitive chanting of a mantra, holds profound significance in meditation practices. During meditation, practitioners often engage in a process called Simran repetition. This practice involves the repetition of a mantra, which helps individuals to cultivate a deep connection with themselves or the divine. By continuously reciting the mantra, individuals can tap into a profound sense of presence and introspection. Simran repetition is not only a spiritual exercise but also a way to cultivate mindfulness and foster inner peace.

In understanding the power of repetition in meditation, one is able to cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness and connection with the divine. This mantra is also used to break the previous habits of self, which one has developed during the past time. As part of the Nadar Gobind Foundation's mission, Baba Ji emphasizes the importance of a Spiritual Master in one's life by using the example of parents sending their children to school for an education. Even though the parents are highly qualified, they still send their children to school to receive formal education and to learn lessons. Similarly, a Spiritual Master can teach and guide seekers towards the right path of spirituality. Baba Ji further gives an analogy of children learning alphabets as the first step of their education. Similarly, practicing Simran is the first step towards one’s journey to Spirituality.


  1. It is important to schedule a fixed time and place for doing Naam Simran and to adhere to it strictly. By setting aside dedicated time for this spiritual practice, individuals are able to cultivate a deeper connection with their inner selves and the divine. Consistency in practice is key, as it allows one to gradually unlock the transformative power of Naam Simran. Moreover, having a designated space for this practice creates a supportive environment that fosters focus and concentration.
  2. Choosing the right time and place for uninterrupted focus and concentration is essential when it comes to maximizing productivity and efficiency. In order to create an environment free from distractions, it is important to carefully select a suitable location and time frame. This can vary depending on personal preferences and individual circumstances. For some, early mornings may be the ideal time to work when the mind is fresh and distractions are minimal.
  3. Sitting for at least fifteen minutes daily has become an essential practice for many individuals seeking inner peace and mindfulness. This daily ritual allows one to pause, disconnect from the external chaos, and focus on their inner self. By setting aside this dedicated time, individuals can explore their emotions, thoughts, and sensations, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves. Furthermore, this regular practice of sitting creates a space for introspection and personal growth, offering an opportunity to cultivate clarity and tranquility in an otherwise hectic world.
  4. In the beginning, one may chant Simran out loud, but do it slowly and reciting to the rhythmic pattern of incoming and outgoing breath. Then gradually, one should chant silently trying to place Simran on one's breaths. Simran gradually cleanses one's internal atmosphere and also creates a positive atmosphere around oneself. As the practice deepens, the individual becomes more aware of their breath and its connection to the present moment, cultivating a sense of mindfulness and inner peace.
  5. Eventually, one reaches the point of continuing to perform Simran internally, while performing all worldly chores. This is a pivotal stage in spiritual practice, as it allows the individual to maintain a deep connection with the divine while still fulfilling their responsibilities in the material realm. Simran, which refers to the repetition of sacred chants or mantras, becomes a constant companion during daily activities, serving as a reminder of the divine presence within. As the individual engages in their worldly tasks, they simultaneously cultivate a state of mindfulness and devotion, ensuring that their actions are aligned with their spiritual path.