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The Nadar Gobind Foundation(NGF or “We”) is committed to protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy. We have created this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) to establish guidelines that will govern the collection, use, protection and disclosure of the personal and non-personal information of visitors to the Website We value the trust of visitor, maintaining and protecting your privacy data. This privacy policy sets out the type of information we collect from the public, what we use it for and the rights that you have in relation to this information. NGF does not automatically collect personal information, such as name, address, phone number, email address and other PIIs (Personal identifiable information) from its website Visitors.

NGF collects such kind of information from the website 1)Non-Personal “Cookie” based information 2)Cookie-based Information 3)Information Provided voluntarily such as sign up for newsletter or registered for services.

Non-Personal(Anonymous) Information

The website visit of anonymous Visitor, non personal information about their visit is automatically collected. Non-Personal Information may include the date and time of visit, region visited from, page navigation of the website, browser type and name of ISP. The anonymous information is collected to improve the compatibility of browser type and visitor experience either from laptop and/or mobile devices.

Cookie-based Information

NGF may use cookies on its Website. “Cookies” are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie. Cookies are widely used because they allow a website to recognize a user’s device and therefore allow enhanced functionality. Cookies are used to make the individual Visitor’s experience better on website by saving Visitor preferences. NGF does not use cookies to collect PIIs except online registration or sign up for newsletter or other services only with visitor’s consent. Visitors may visit the Website with its cookies turned off to avoid the collection of Cookie based information. Cookies and other similar technologies may be used to collect other information, like statistical data on the use of our website and its functioning.

Personal Information

NGF will collect Personal Information that is voluntarily provided by a Visitor when subscribing to newsletter/event/other activities or register for any services when filling out an online form. We keep the Personal Information provided on website “confidential”. We will collect and use the information solely for the purpose of communication and/or upon agreement to sign up for services. We do not sell personal information provided on website, if visitor who wish to discontinue receipt of email/phone, can unsubscribe from distribution. If you contacted us or signed up, the personal information is used for providing information about services, spiritual messages and NGF events, social activities or meditation program. The information may be used for answering your question or interest the visitor may have interest on the website.

In some cases, your data that you give to us may be subject to a legal requirement that limits our use of it without your further or more explicit consent for us to be able to use such data. With your permission and/or where permitted by law, we may also use your data to contact you by email, telephone, text message, post and/or message services with information, news and event details. We will not send you unsolicited messages or messages after you tell us you do not interest.

SMS/Text Alerts

By providing your mobile number on site and/or on forms, you have given consent to Nadar Gobind Foundation(“NGF”) to contact you using automatic text alerting systems. You understand that participating in SMS/text alert is not mandatory for your enrollment or registration in any of the events, programs.

As a courtesy, you may receive a message in the event of cancellations and rescheduling of programs, events, and courses.

You provide consent and understand that you will receive messages from Nadar Gobind Foundation(“NGF”) even if your number is registered with Do-Not-Call list in State or Federal, and such messages shall not be in violation of any laws governing such do not call lists.

You also consent that provided cell phone number is representation of your ownership and use, you understand that text messages received on your phone can be seen by anyone whosoever has access to your phone and you agree that Nadar Gobind Foundation(“NGF”) is not liable.

Automated messages may be sent using an automatic telephone dialing system to the mobile telephone number you provided when signing up or any other number that you designate. You can cancel any time by texting "STOP". After you send the SMS message "STOP", we will send you a message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed and no more messages will be sent. You understand that your cellular provider’s Message & Data Rates May Apply. You also understand NGF is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

Nadar Gobind Foundation(“NGF”) reserves the right to change these terms or cancel the text alerts at any time. Please check privacy policy on regular basis for continued use and acceptance of text alerts after changes.

If you have any queries or concerns, or are having problems receiving or stopping our text messages, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected] or call us on (510) 402-4848.


The Website contains a link to an online payment system that allows a Visitor to make a donation. The personal and credit card information provided on payment system is used only to process the donations. The online donations to NGF may be processed through a third party payment system. The security and privacy policies of this third party processor are available by clicking on the relevant “Privacy Policy” link on their site.

The third party links may be used such as payment processor, social media links or any other not specified, maintain their own privacy policy and not in control of NGF. The visitor is recommended to review and understand how information may be collected, used and disclosed on their website. NGF is not responsible for any data disclosed on third party or inked websites.

The Visitor agrees to the Privacy Policy and the terms of use (“Terms of Use”) linked to this Privacy Policy by visiting and using this website. If you do not agree to the Privacy Policy, Do Not use NGF website or provide Personal Information.

The NGF privacy policy is subject to change on the website in accordance with local legal requirement or best recommendation for the use of visitor experience. The Nadar Gobind Foundation(“NGF”) is non-profit organization, all the names, trademark and logo are property of Nadar Gobind Foundation (“NGF”).