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While attending this meditation session, or any other events, your well-being and safety is important to us. You agree that by enrolling for any of the meditation programs at Nadar Gobind Foundation (also referred as ‘NGF’ hereafter), you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. In case you do not agree with all or any of these terms, you're requested not to participate in any of these programs.


Copyright: The practices performed are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights, as applicable. Copy, resale, or redistribution of any of the NGF products or content is prohibited. It's only meant for personal use. Nothing can be used without NGF consent.

Healthcare: NGF does not directly or indirectly provide medical advice or suggest the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental, or medical problems. It does not provide diagnoses, cures, prevention, or treatment of any disease. The services are not facilitated by a medical professional. The services offered are not intended for any psychological, or psychiatric therapy. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult a licensed healthcare professional.

Spiritual: NGF does not push or have any association with any religious groups and/or places of faith. The meditations in no way reference or promote any religion or belief. We do believe in a Supreme power and higher self. The word God and their equivalent words or Names of Divine beings from different beliefs and faiths will be referred to in our sessions for guidance. You're in no way constrained to accept, believe, repeat or take part in any sessions in the event that you do not wish to and are free to leave the session and premises at any time.

General: The personal experiences by user comments and testimonials on various sites are not a guarantee of what you should expect to experience. Thereby NGF cannot be held liable if your experience doesn’t meet your expectations. Please practice all techniques at your own discretion.

Who can attend:

Only adults are allowed (above 18 yrs.) Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professionals before starting or changing any exercise program or meditation– especially if you are an Epilepsy sufferer, Pregnant woman, wear a pacemaker, prone to seizures, photosensitive, under the influence of medication or drugs, or have any existing medical conditions. Please first consult a medical professional if you are at all unsure that our services are unsuitable for you. It is important to declare at the start if you have any health-related problems. Pets are not allowed on the premises.

General Guidelines:

NGF and the participant will adhere to the following COVID-19 safety protocol:

  1. To participate in a meditation service, you must first register. If you desire to proceed, you must pay the necessary amount in advance during registration.

  2. One registration per person. These registrations are not extendable or transferable to family, friends, or relatives.

  3. You must maintain discipline and respect for others during the practice. The session will begin at the scheduled hour. You must arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to settle in and be in a state to appreciate the practice. If you arrive late, the facility's doors will be shut and you will not be able to enter since it will disrupt the practice.

  4. Cellphones, cameras, and any other electronic devices are not permitted. Video/audio recordings of the session are strictly prohibited. Before the session, you must TURN OFF your devices.

  5. Shoes should be removed upon entering the room and placed on the racks provided at the entrance.

  6. Chairs may be provided only on exception requests. If you are physically or medically not able to sit on the floor, please put a request for the chair 24 hours before the session or during registration.

  7. No food or beverages are allowed in the NGF center. Occasionally, snacks will be served. You're in no way constrained to accept or consume the snacks offered if you do not wish to. Also, please announce, if you have any food allergies.

COVID-19 Guidelines:
  1. Health screening - As per state guidelines, the participant may be subject to health screening by the NGF including taking temperature and other assessment before entry into the premises.

  2. Face Covering - The participant will have to wear mask or face covering when at the premises of the NGF

  3. Social Distancing - The participant will practice social distancing whenever possible

  4. Sanitisation - NGF will disinfect and clean its premises more frequently

Code of conduct:

The mission of NGF is to offer guidance, and education to assist everyone in fostering their own personal spiritual development. As such, the management has adopted the following practical Code of Conduct and Policies. Anyone violating any of these policies will be asked to leave.

The NGF prohibits bringing any types of weapons or firearms at any time.

While on NGF premises, everyone is expected not to be under the influence of any drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or mind-altering substances.

Abuse, harassment, violence, and disrespect of any kind against other practitioners, volunteers, or our Spiritual Master will not be permitted. You'll get removed right away from the facility, membership revoked and you will be banned from NGF indefinitely. NGF has the right to take legal action if required. The Center has adopted a zero-tolerance policy toward any kind of behavioral harassment.

Refund Policy:

All sales are final and there will not be any refund under any circumstances. NGF is not obligated to reimburse or extend another session if you miss one. You can contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.


You accept complete responsibility for your actions if you choose to apply the guided practices to your life. You may experience mood fluctuations, energy releases, relaxation, peace or tranquillity as a result of your meditation practice. Please understand that some bodily functions and emotions may be temporarily affected as a result of the shifting energy or newly acquired techniques of meditation and mindfulness in the process of self empowerment. NGF is not responsible for any and all side effects you may experience during or after your mediations. You are embarking on a self-guided journey, and you enter and engage at your own risk, accepting full responsibility for your experience. You are free to leave at any time and are not obligated to stay in the centre.

You hereby grant permission to NGF, its owners, volunteers or other authorised agent or representatives including independent contractors to take and use testimonials, photographs, videos and/or digital images of you for use in social media, websites, electronic communications, educational materials or purposes related to NGF marketing. You further agree that your name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the testimonial or images. You authorise the use of the foregoing without compensation to you. All negative print and/or digital reproduction shall be the property of NGF.