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Panchamrit Booti

Panchamrit Booti

Panchamrit Booti is a blend of five herbs renowned for supporting digestion.

  • Helps building strong digestion system.
  • Relieves gastric bloating symptoms within minutes.
  • Reduce acidity & inflammation, to support healthy gut microbiome.
  • Panchamrit Booti powder is Organic, Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, 100% Natural and Sugar Free.

Digital Mala

Digital Mala

Digital Mala for Meditation, Relaxation:

  • Meditation/Prayer beads counter is made of high-quality, strong and durable.
  • Meditation beads counter is small and compact, easy to carry.
  • Noise-free operation and scroll your thumb down to start counting with a smooth roller. The prayer beads counter screen displays a 5-digit counter with a counting range of 0-99999.
  • Easily reset it to 0 by pressing the reset button.
  • Meditation Mala(beads) counter can be used for meditation, relaxation, decompression, finger movement, etc.